Canine Flu
APPOINTMENTUnion Lake Veterinary Hospital saw our first very likely case of canine flu today (July 22, 2018). Animal Emergency Center has seen four cases so far, two of which were confirmed with lab testing. This strain of the dog flu is contagious before signs are evident so making it more likely to be spread.
Therefore, we are going to make the flu vaccine a required vaccine for ALL pets that will be using our ULPS daycare, training or boarding. We are using the Bivalent vaccine that has H3N2 and H3N8 in a single vaccine. Pets that have not been vaccinated will need to be boostered in three weeks (the vaccine is administered in two doses), and then annually. This is for dogs 8 weeks of age or older.
While the vaccine isn’t guaranteed to prevent your dog from getting the flu, it does help your dog be more resistant to catching the flu and reduces the severity of the symptoms.
We are calling all clients with pending appointments to make them aware of the new requirement. We are charging $30 per vaccine and will be waiving emergency fees for clients. If we have seen your pet within 6 months, the pet has no history of vaccine reactions, and have no questions for the doctor, we can schedule these as technician appointments. If you want to see a doctor and have multiple questions, or you wish to have other issues addressed, an exam fee (not emergency fee) will be charged.
Here is more information in this handout and 10 FAQs about Dog Flu can be found here.
Compassionate care 7 days a week.
Since 1974, Union Lake Veterinary Hospital has been providing pets in Waterford, West Bloomfield, and surrounding areas with state-of-the-art care.
Please note: Our prices are subject to change. For the most up-to-date pricing, please call our office.

6545 Cooley Lake Rd.
Waterford, MI 48327
Click here for directions.

Mon-Fri: 7:00am – 8:00pm
Sat-Sun: 8:00am – 6:00pm

Contact Info
Phone: 248-363-1508
Fax: 248-363-7505
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