Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats Ear mites in cats is a serious condition that requires veterinary intervention. Do you know how to spot it? Cats are notorious for hiding signs of weakness. This is a biological tool they use to protect themselves in the wild, but it makes it hard...
How Much Exercise Your Dog Needs

How Much Exercise Your Dog Needs

How Much Exercise Your Dog Needs Physical activity is paramount to a healthy lifestyle, including our dogs. Physically active dogs are generally healthier, often meaning they live longer lives. But how can you tell how much exercise your dog needs? Union Lake...
Why Does My Cat Hide?

Why Does My Cat Hide?

Why Does My Cat Hide? Why does my cat hide? From squeezing in between pillows without disturbing a perfectly made bed to reaching the highest spots in your home, cats are masters at hiding. Most cat owners have experienced at least one heart-pounding moment trying to...
Hyperarousal in Dogs

Hyperarousal in Dogs

Does your dog find it impossible to settle down? Do you regularly have issues with him destroying things around the house? Is it easier to get your kids to eat broccoli than to get your dog to focus? If you answered yes to any of the above, your dog might be suffering...