Pet-Safe Antifreeze Option

Pet-Safe Antifreeze Option

When it comes to winter dangers for pets, antifreeze is at the top of the list. Unfortunately, this highly toxic substance is used by many people throughout the winter. It can leak and it is so easy for a pet to be attracted to the taste. Luckily, pet-safe antifreeze...
Dementia in Senior Dogs

Dementia in Senior Dogs

As we age, certain parts of the body start to deteriorate including the brain. The same is true for our dogs. Dementia in senior dogs is a cognitive issue also known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) that can severely impact his or her quality of life. The team at...
Reduce Your Pet’s Fear of Vet Visits

Reduce Your Pet’s Fear of Vet Visits

The vet’s office is not often a pet’s favorite destination. Most humans don’t enjoy going to the doctor, but at least we have the advantage of understanding why we are going. When animals get too stressed about going to the vet, it can be hard to treat them properly....